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 Outline Of Septic Tank Pumping Program

Nags Head Septic Health Initiative

  • Goal: To inspect all septic systems in Nags Head over the next 4 years.
  • Eligibility:
    1. All on-site systems that do not have state required inspections or maintenance reports. (this includes commercial sites)
  • Process:
    1. Solicit prices for inspection and pumping from septic haulers
    2. Qualify septic pumpers and haulers
      1. Review state permits
      2. Town sponsored training through Vernon James Center or
      3. State certified on site technician
    3. Distribute prices and educational material to property owners eligible for program
      1. Letter to homeowner
      2. Educational brochure (town developed or from Coop Extension) WWW site information
      3. Press releases and radio Public Service Announcements
    4. Owner contacts vendor arranges for inspection/pumping
    5. System serviced
      1. System inspected for:
        1. Sludge level
        2. Flow to drainfield
        3. Tank condition
        4. Surface conditions
          • Surfacing effluent
          • Unusual plant growth
          • Other conditions
          • Tank capacity
          • System age if known
          • Type of use (occupied, rental sign, commercial)
          • Other conditions (surface water etc.)
        5. Report to owner
        6. Owner pays vendor
        7. Vendor sends report to Town
        8. Town issues check to owner and arranges credit on water bill
        9. Town compiles data from system reports
        10. Town follows up on systems that need additional repairs
          1. Contact property owner, explain problem
          2. Develop loan program
          3. Inspect site for health problems.
      2. Costs
        1. Current costs
          1. Inspection $65.00
          2. Currently inspection and pumping $165.00
        2. Program Subsidies
          1. Full subsidy for inspection (estimated at $65)
          2. $30 credit on water bill if tank is pumped
        3. Total Costs over 4 years
          1. Inspection- 2,500 systems (estimated)X$65=$162,500
          2. Pumping 75% of 2,500 X $30 = $56,250
          3. Total Cost over 4 years = $218,750  
      3. Other Issues
        1. Limits on service
          1. The Town will not limit the overall number of systems serviced per year.  We budget a set amount over 4 years and use deficit financing to end up with a zero balance at the end of 4 years.  However the number of times an individual tank can be refunded and/or credited under this program will be limited to once every 4 years.  This allows everyone an opportunity to participate in this program.
        2. Timing.
          1. Although we are looking into running this program on a year-round basis, currently, this program runs Oct. 1 through April 30.
          2. The market for pumping is very busy in season and less so in the off season. 
        3. Disposal of sludge. The Town will conduct an annual audit of land available for sludge disposal to ensure adequate land for our needs.

Contact Todd Krafft, Septic Health Coordinator, for further information.

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5401 South Croatan Highway
Nags Head North Carolina 27959
info@townofnagshead.net   252.441.5508